Modeling Brain Function: The World of Attractor Neural Networks Daniel J. Amit
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
The first author on the paper was graduate student Cristina The brain is made up of vast numbers of neurons connected together into networks, and the attractor network is a theoretical model of how patterns of connected neurons can give rise to brain activity by collectively working together. Advanced Series in Dynamical Systems 8, World Scientific. Modeling Brain Function: The World of Attractor Neural Networks by. Can generate neural networks with attractor states that. % The book itself may be ordered directly from Addison-Wesley in the U.S.. "Our research focused on the mechanisms at work in the neural system that forms these hexagonal patterns," he said. 'Talking Nets: An Oral History of Neural Networks'. Quasi-attractors can also be found in the field of chaotic associative memory in neural networks [16]–[25], in which patterns stored in the network become quasi-attractors and the network exhibits transitive dynamics between stored patterns. Modeling Brain Function: The World of Attractor Neural Networks Daniel J. Neural Networks : - Google Books . Polymer Surface Dynamics Reihe: . An Introduction to Neural Networks - James A. An Oral History of Neural Networks: Talking Nets:. Citation: Kanamaru T, Fujii H, Aihara K (2013) Deformation of Attractor Landscape via Cholinergic Presynaptic Modulations: A Computational Study Using a Phase Neuron Model. [Ami], Amit, D.J., Modeling Brain Function : The World of Attractor Neural Networks, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1989. The work pursued here is coordinated with a parallel application that focuses on neural network systems, but the dependencies are arranged to make the present article the main and the more self-contained work, to serve as a conceptual frame and a technical background for the network project. Amit: Modeling Brain Function: the World of Attractor Neural Networks (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989). Modeling Brain Function: The World of Attractor Neural Networks.