Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice Andries Van Dam, James D. Foley, John F. Hughes, Steven K. Feiner
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Computer.Graphics.Principles.and.Practice.pdf. Pauline Baker, Prientice Hall of India. Hughes, Addison-Wesley 1990, ISBN 0-201-12110-7; Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, C version J.D. OBJECTIVES • To study the PHI,1998. Foley, Vandam, Feiner, Huges, “Computer Graphics: Principles & Practice”, Pearson Education, second edition 2003. This is where I found exact algorithms for colors on a computer. A less detailed, and easier to read, textbook is Foley, van Dam, et al., “Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice”. - Computer Graphics by Hill JrComputer Graphics, Steven Harrington, McGraw-Hill. - Computer Graphics Principles and Practice, J.D. To impart the fundamental concepts of Computer Graphics and Multimedia. Hughes, Addison-Wesley, 1990 (Reprinted with corrections, July 1997). Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Computer Graphics, Donald Hearn & M. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition in C, James D. [Foley] Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (2nd Ed.), J.D. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice.